In order to deal with all the challenges regarding port development, the port and its partners have to innovate, on a wide range of subjects. For example to accommodate a significant growth of the container volumes, while at the same time reducing the share of road transportation and augmenting the share of river- and railroad transportation. In the industrial sectors production methods are changing: reduction, circular economy, biomass-based chemistry, new energies, repositioning of activities etc. impose the need to innovate.

Continuous development
Innovation has to be developed continuously and must count on good cooperation between the actors. The questions to be answered: Who are the actors in play? How can innovation be organized and stimulated? How to liaise within the port and the knowledge and research institutions? How to create more synergy between the port and the city? What is the value of a strong port community for the competitive position? What types of innovation are necessary (technical, organizational, economical)?
Process and concrete actions
These subjects are all worthy of discussion by the involved actors, to transform them into the next step of concrete actions. We are experienced in this field and capable of initiating this process and developing it further.
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